Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Event Coverage: Nuvali's Earth Day Concert

I was invited last Saturday to come to Nuvali in Laguna to participate in an Earth Day concert. The last time I was in Nuvali was a year ago and it's nice to come back to this place because of the fresh air and the nice scenery all around.

It was an honor to attend this wonderful event because it made me more aware of what's happening right now in our environment. Through the clips shown in between songs during the concert, audiences were reminded that even the simplest of things like picking up trash and recycling stuff can already make a BIG impact to save Mother Earth.  

The concert was graced by well-known singers in the Philippine music industry. Although my mom has Zia Quizon's album already, the other night was the first time I've heard Zia Quizon sing. As a jazz fanatic, I was amazed by her voice and honestly think she could be one of the best OPM jazz artist in this generation.

Jed Madela also sings fantastically. My favorite part was when he sang "What a Wonderful World". I really would have wanted to hear Christian Bautista sing one or two songs from his album Outbound, which I have, but he didn't. At least he sang a Michael Jackson song and that, for me, was enough. This is not the first time I have seen Christian Bautista up close. The first time was during a Bloggers Meet at the Universal Records office last November. You can read my review of his CD and about the event here.

Kyla and Juris also sang with the other three and the night was filled with good music and good vibes for the environment. 

Overall, I enjoyed the event very much. Audiences not only got to witness famous people perform on stage but also learned how we can do our part in saving our planet. And Nuvali's open air concert area was the perfect venue to do all that. It was a really great night.

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